Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Diet for Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is a medical condition that causes inability to absorb gluten found in barley, wheat, oats and rye. However, you can control the symptoms of celiac disease by adopting a specific diet for the disease.

Celiac disease is also known as gluten-sensitive enteropathy. It is an autoimmune disorder, associated with gluten allergy. It is a digestive disorder that is triggered by the consumption of gluten-containing cereal grains. Celiac disease is a multi-system, multi-symptom disease. Gluten is a protein present in various types of foods such as bread, pasta, cookies and many other foods that are prepared from wheat, barley, oats and ryes.

People suffering from celiac disease are not able to digest gluten. In such people, an immune reaction takes place in their intestine, which causes damage to the surface lining of the small intestine. It affects the ability of the small intestine to absorb certain nutrients such as proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, calcium, folic acid and iron. Due to malabsorption, there may be vitamin deficiency and poor nourishment of important organs such as central nervous system, liver, bones and other organs. It can give rise to various symptoms such as anemia, fatigue, weakness, recurrent chronic diarrhea, weight loss, abdominal cramps, osteoporosis, bone or joint pain, nerve damage and behavioral changes.

Diet for Celiac Disease

Celiac disease can affect your entire lifestyle. However, you can control the symptoms of celiac disease by avoiding the foods containing gluten. There is a specific gluten-free diet recommended for the people suffering from celiac disease. By following this diet, your body can repair the intestinal damage. So, what is the diet for celiac disease?

Staple foods in a gluten-free diet are fruits, vegetables, meat, milk-based items, rice, beans, corn, potatoes, cereals made without wheat, malt or barley, and specialty foods such as bread, pasta, pancakes made from corn flour, rice, potato and starches. A gluten-free diet means to one should exclude all foods and drinks that contain gluten.

Foods Preferred for Celiac Patients

People suffering from celiac disease can have several grains such as oatmeal and tortillas. They should exclude barley, wheat and bran. They can eat certain cereals and breads prepared from pea, corn, rice, soybean, carob, etc. All fresh, canned, frozen or dried fruits or fruit juices as well as fresh, canned or frozen vegetables are recommended for celiac patients. They can have all fresh meat, fish, poultry and shellfish. Certain meatless protein sources such as dried peas and beans, soy protein meat substitutes, nuts, tofu and peanut butter are also good for them. Talking about dairy products, people suffering from celiac disease can have whole, skim or condensed milk, cream, yogurt without cereal flavor and various types of cheese.

They also can choose fats and oils such as margarine, butter, homemade salad dressings, vegetable oils, sweets such as gelatin, brown and white sugar, jam, jelly, molasses and honey, condiments including pepper, salt, spices and herbs, pure cocoa, food flavoring extracts and food coloring. They can go for certain beverages such as tea, pure coffee, fruit juices, carbonated and mineral water, carbonated beverages except root beer, saki, cognac and unfortified wines and rums.

Foods to be avoided

People suffering from celiac disease should avoid breads, pastas, cookies and pancakes made from wheat, barley, graham, buckwheat and bran. They should also avoid the cereals containing wheat, oats, bulgur, rye and barley. They should not consume thickened or prepared fruits, creamed or breaded vegetables. Breaded meats or fish such as meat patties, meatloaf, Swiss steak is not recommended for the celiac patients. They should avoid commercial chocolate milk and drinks, non-dairy creams and malted milk. Certain beverages such as instant coffee and alcoholic beverages made from cereal grains such as whiskey, gin, sherry, vodka, ale, fortified wine and malt liquor should not be consumed by celiac patients.

Although celiac disease causes a number of health problems, people suffering from this disease need not get disappointed or frustrated. They can live a normal, healthy life by following the diet for celiac disease.

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