Sunday, March 3, 2013

Cellulite Treatment - Battling the Bumps

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Seeking different kinds of cellulite treatment is nothing new; people have been trying to battle this unsightly condition since they started caring about how their bodies looked. Opinions about how people end up with this condition can vary.

Most people agree on certain ideas about it, however, such as that it can be genetic, is exacerbated-but not necessarily caused-by being overweight, and that it can be treated. If you have cellulite and want to actively find a way to get rid of it, there is a guideline that is helpful to follow.

Assess Your Problem

As a rule, people tend to exaggerate their negative body traits, especially women. Though you may not want to give it that much attention, assessing your particular problem can help you to find the best treatment. Be honest with yourself, and don't make it out to be worse than it is. Neither should you minimize the problem. The procedure you choose for dealing with your problem should fit your needs as closely as possible.

Look for Honest Testimonials and Recommendations

It can come in a lot of forms, and it can often be confusing as to which one to choose. Not only this, but there are less than scrupulous merchants out there who are more than willing to take your money for a product or procedure that does not deliver what it promises.

One of the best ways to decide which way to go in treating this problem is to talk to people who have used a product or undergone a procedure for cellulite. Remember, though, that it's best to talk to people who don't have anything to gain financially by recommending a product or procedure.

Non Medical Approach

It's almost always a good idea to explore non-medical and non-invasive cellulite treatments first, no matter how bad you think your problem is.

If you're overweight, then exercise and diet for weight loss could go a long way in improving the problem. If you're not overweight, muscle building exercises in the areas where you have the worst problem can often help the situation. There are some creams that have been purported to help, as well as massage therapies. Once again, getting honest recommendations can be helpful.

Medical Approach

The most common medical treatment for cellulite is liposuction. This is usually done on an outpatient basis with local anesthetic, though sometimes general anesthetic is used, depending on the scope of treatment. If there will also be skin removal and tightening of any areas, this may involve an overnight stay.

Discuss this possibility at length with your regular doctor and the surgeon who would be performing the procedure. All surgery involves risk, and you want to be fully informed. The right one could make a big difference in how you look and feel. Just remember that it is your body, and you want to make the best decisions for it every step of the way.

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