Saturday, June 25, 2011

Diet for Acne: What you Need to Know

The real answer to getting rid of pimples lies in adopting a diet for acne.

No one would choose to have acne boils. They are unsightly blotches on our face which distract people from our true beauty. Unfortunately, the entire population of teenagers can be classified by these two groups - those who are already suffering from acne, and those who fear they will get acne in the future. This is why so many companies saw an opportunity to make profits by selling acne products which claim to remove the unsightly scars and get rid of acne. You have probably noticed that market today is saturated with these products. However, what they won't tell you is that the real answer lies in adopting a diet for acne.

Recall that oily skin is more prone to acne. Therefore, we need to arrest the secretion of oil from subcutaneous glands. I agree that some acne gels actually assist in containing such secretion. However, the best way to tackle this root cause is by avoiding oily food. That rules out junk food such as chips, wafers, chocolates, etc from your diet. There also seems to be some links between acne and acidity. This suggests that substances that are acidic could aggravate acne and maybe even cause it. A first step would be to reduce your tea or coffee intake, as well as cigarettes if you smoke. A diet for acne would encourage these eliminations from your diet.

Constipation and acne go hand in hand. If you are unable to pass stools properly, or you suffer from constipation regularly, chances are that you also suffer from acne. In the wake of this crosslink, any tailored diet for acne must contain enormous amounts of roughage which help reduce constipation by assisting in smooth bowel movement. Leafy vegetables and whole fruits are excellent sources of roughage.

Last but certainly not least is water, a critical component of a diet for acne. Water really cures pimples. The more water you consume, the less acne you will have. So make sure to down plenty of water. Acne and diet are a reason to drink plenty of juices to combat pimples. There are specific diet charts for acne diets. Some of them are built upon years of genuine research by dietitians and dermatologists. But many others are no more good once out of their packaging. It is highly recommended that you seek expert help in designing a diet for acne.

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