Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Restless Legs Syndrome Treatment That can be Available Today

Restless Legs Syndrome Treatment That can be Available Today

Restless leg syndrome is a disorder that affects daily living and especially the ability to get a good night's sleep. Symptoms of RLS often seem to strike like a ninja just as you're trying to get some sleep, creating a burning, tingling, creeping feeling just beneath the surface of the skin. To get rid of this sensation most who suffer with it have an overwhelming urge to get out of bed and move around. Unfortunately there's a good chance the same cycle of irritation, crawling and burning will simply reappear after a few moments and the same routine will be futilely repeated.

Finding a restless leg syndrome treatment has been very challenging as there does not appear to be general agreement either about the causes of RLS or the most effective course of treatment. Certainly the response of moving and stretching is not likely to produce more than a few moments of relief. And while treatment with drugs has been the preferred form of treating RLS by the medical establishment it carries its own inherent limits, not to mention side effects. One theory that is currently popular with researchers is that a cause of restless legs is a lack of folate and a lack of iron. Folate is commonly found in vegetables such as kale, spinach or asparagus; it is a water soluble B vitamin. Other sources of folate include liver, eggs, beans, whole wheat products, and certain fortified cereals. One way that you can ensure that you are taking in enough folate is by drinking a day of a juice derived from kale.

An iron deficiency has also been indicated as a suspect in causing restless leg syndrome. People with the symptoms of restless legs syndrome who were given an iron supplement three times a day over the course of two months had fewer symptoms of the illness at the end of the study period. Since a lack of iron is unusual it is imperative that you have testing to determine whether this could be making you suffer from RLS. Sometimes too much iron can create its' own problems and produce side effects.

For short term relief a massage can also be helpful. Massage can increase the blood flow to the lower limbs and combine with regular exercise often has positive effects on those with RLS. Just be careful that you don't over do it when you begin exercising because some who have exercised when afflicted with RLS found that they actually experienced a worsening of symptoms at first.

Sometimes a difficult aspect of trying to cope with restless legs is the fact that you are forced to make changes in your lifestyle that are not that easy, even though they are extremely important. This includes cutting back on or even eliminating entirely caffeine and cigarettes. Many people have found that over a period of time stopping the use of caffeine, tobacco and also alcohol has resulted in a significant reduction, and in some cases, even eliminated symptoms of RLS altogether.

As you do implement some of these strategies to treat RLS, try to do so in a way that involves your doctor. If you find your physician is not open to natural restless leg syndrome treatment consider whether or not is time to find someone who is willing to collaborate with you so that you don't have to go it alone.

You can find other types of restless leg syndrome treatment that had been tried by others who are afflicted with this condition, tested and revised, and are designed to treat RLS naturally, minus the drugs that will leave you groggy come daylight.

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