Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Best Way To Care For Our Teeth

The Best Way To Care For Our Teeth

One of the simplest facts one learns when he/she is young is how to clean the teeth. Most parents know the importance of good dental hygiene since it is believed that for you to maintain a healthy teeth, you should be able to ensure you observe good dental hygiene in your lifetime.

The repercussions of not observing good dental hygiene can be manifested if not now but in the near future when you will start having problems with your teeth.

One of the simplest things we learn both at school and at home is how to brush and floss the teeth, this are the easiest ways to prevent our teeth from being attacked by cavities.

Try to brush your teeth a minimum of two times daily that is immediately after you have your breakfast or even after grabbing a burger during lunch time this will ensure that you maintain your healthy teeth. Make sure you brush using fluoride toothpaste for complete protection.

But there are other ways people have not discovered their importance yet they play a vital role in maintaining good healthy teeth.

Very few people are aware on the importance of chewing gum; chewing gum is one of the best way to keep the mouth clean since it increases the production of saliva in the mouth enabling neutralization of the plaque acid which would otherwise corrode the teeth. Ensure the chewing gum that you chew is sugar free since sugar is responsible for corrosion of teeth.

Reduce your sugar intake; this is by reducing the frequency of eating sugary foods and drinks. Taking sugary drinks when taken between meals at meal time reduces the chances of the teeth being cleaned by the saliva.

In order for you to maintain your healthy teeth for ages to come, try and observe this routine and you will always be smiling

Refer to more works penned by this very author regarding things including overhead projector bulbs and electric projector screen.

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