Sunday, December 30, 2012

Acid Reflux - Can Apple Cider Vinegar Really Cure It?

acid reflux

Apples are the most unrecognized, underrated medicine available today. Eating apples is one of the best things you can do for many of the diseases of civilization that pervade our society. Apples provide fiber and nutrients and are a good first step in eliminating these conditions.

Acid reflux and a whole host of stomach and digestive problems fall into the category of diseases of civilization. These conditions, such as acid reflux, are mostly caused by our diets. Before we go further, lets talk about what acid reflux is.

Acid reflux is also known as GERD or gastro-esophageal reflux disease. It occurs when the esophageal sphincter fails to work correctly and the contents of the stomach come back into the esophagus: this liquid is made up of stomach acid and pepsin. The acid burns the walls of the esophagus and causes heartburn. If it washes further up the throat you can experience a burning in the back of your mouth and a bad taste.

Acid reflux can happen occasionally to anyone, but if it is happening all the time then you need to do something about it. It can cause lasting damage to your throat. If this is the case you should also talk to your doctor to confirm that the problem truly is GERD.

acid reflux

When talking about treating GERD, eating red apples will definitely help, but there is an even more effective treatment than apples and that is apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is a product of fermentation. Apple juice is turned to alcohol and then to acidic acid during the process. Along the way many nutrients remain along with the acid. When taking vinegar for acid reflux you should dilute the vinegar as many find the taste too strong when taken straight: more on the dose in a moment.

Many are confused how a mild acid like vinegar can help with GERD. It would seem that the reflux is caused by too much acid rather than not enough. For years the condition has been treated by antacids and medicines that reduce stomach acid. Yet many people complain that this treatment seems to make the condition worse: if you use antacids your stomach only produces more acid to compensate. This causes the reflux to get worse as the antacid is neutralized by the new production of stomach acid.

Many prefer apple cider vinegar as a preferred way to treat acid reflux. It will take a little time but it has proven results. The usual treatment is two tablespoons three times a day diluted in water. This is a very inexpensive treatment as a bottle of vinegar costs less than three dollars.

The vinegar has a bad taste but it can work wonders with acid reflux.

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