Saturday, July 2, 2011

Diet for Diverticulitis

Diet for diverticulitis, although not a specific treatment for diverticulitis, is one effective method which is used in conjunction with the treatment that the doctor may recommend for the patient....

Diverticulitis may be regarded as a stage after what is known as diverticulosis. Diverticulosis is a condition where in, small, bulging pouches, known as diverticula form in the digestive system, including the esophagus, stomach and small intestine. This condition, however, does not cause any kind of medical issue and most people remain unaware even if they have diverticulosis. But, due to certain reasons, one or more of these small bulging pouches become inflamed or infected. This is when the condition is termed as, 'diverticulitis'. As I mentioned, following a dedicated diet for diverticulitis helps in treating mild cases of the condition. However, cases which go too severe to be treated simply with the help of a diet, may require surgery. Before we come to the particulars and important aspects of a diverticulitis diet, here is brief information on the various causes and symptoms of diverticulitis.

Diverticulitis Symptoms

A person suffering from diverticulitis may exhibit classic, common symptoms which include abdominal tenderness, nausea and vomiting, constipation, diarrhea and fever. One prominent symptom is a sudden and severe abdominal pain which occurs on the left side of the body. This pain may radiate mildly initially, and may intensify over several days. Symptoms which occur in rare cases include bleeding from the rectum and bloating. Read more on diverticulitis symptoms.

Diverticulitis Causes

In the first place, diverticula occurs due to weak spots in the colon. This weakness allows the pouches to protrude through the colon wall. However, the answer to why does the diverticula become inflamed or get infected, has not been brought under specification. There are, although speculations regarding the cause. Experts believe that when the colon wall breaks down, it leads to infection. The infection may also be caused when fecal matter gets trapped in the narrow openings of the diverticula. Any obstruction of these narrow openings may be responsible for cutting off the blood supply to the affected area and this might lead to inflammation.

You may know more on what is diverticulitis.

Best Diet Plan for Diverticulitis

A diverticulitis diet does not actually fulfill the purpose of treating or preventing the condition of diverticulitis. It, however, serves the purpose of making the patient feel better, by managing the symptoms. The diet works best when followed side by side along with with taking the treatment by a doctor. The main aim of taking up a diet for diverticulitis is to provide the stomach some rest, while doctors are doing their job to treat the patient. The primary aspects of this diet is to include ample amount of liquid foods, with a gradual addition of low-fiber foods to the diet. The liquid foods diet has to be generally followed for about 2 - 3 days. Food items which are allowed in a diet for diverticulitis include clear soda, ice chips, plain water, fruit juices lacking pulp, plain gelatin, cream-less tea or coffee. A low residue diet for a diverticulitis patient (or a low fiber diet) is recommended by the doctor when the patient begins to recuperate. Foods include eggs, low-fiber cereals, milk, peanut butter (smooth), white rice, plain pasta, noodles or macaroni. The patient may also include tender meat, poultry and fish, along with yogurt or cheese (without seeds or nuts). Canned fruits, seed-less or nut-less deserts, enriched white bread, fruit juice and well-cooked vegetables lacking seeds or skins, are the other food items which can be included in a diverticulitis diet. A high fiber diet for a diverticulitis patient is recommended, when he is no longer suffering from the symptoms of the condition and recovering from the condition. 25 g of fiber for women and 38 g for men must be the required quantity. Foods coming under a high-fiber diet include vegetables, wild rice, fruits, brown rice, lentils, dried beans, whole wheat, rye, bran, wheat, bran and oats. Know more on the list of high fiber foods.

Now this was about the different types of foods which must be included in a diet for diverticulitis. However, it is also important to know about the foods to avoid with diverticulitis sufferers. They include foods like nuts, seeds, corn, chicken, carrots, fish, bananas, etc. You can avail of what is known as a diverticulitis diet sheet from your doctor. After having you diagnosed, he may provide you with the list of all the required and necessary foods to be taken.

Know more on the diet for acute diverticulitis by referring to:

Diverticulitis: Foods to Avoid

Diet for Person with Diverticulitis

The tolerance of all these and many other types of foods will surely vary from person to person. So, it is wise to exchange ideas with a doctor to know which foods must be be avoided and what other foods to be included in a diet for diverticulitis.

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